posted by Ella Recknagel on Nov 14

Hi!! My name is Ella. I am 6 years old and I love animals.  I have been dealing with animals my whole entire life. I have gotten to handle so many animals because my dad is a biology teacher. I want all the people in the world to save animals.  Animals do stuff  for us and we do stuff  for them.  Please  keep reading my blog at

15 Comments to “Welcome to My Blog”

  1. Bob Says:

    Hi Ella,

    Congratulations on your new blog. I know you love animals and I certainly wish you the best in your efforts to let others know how important animals are to all of us.

  2. Rob Says:

    This is a very special page with a very special cause. I am proud that you love animals like this and would spend the time to do something like this to help animals and endangered wildlife. You are an amazing little girl. Continue with your passions and always stand up for what you believe in!!! With a lifetime ahead of you there is so much you can accomplish!

  3. Gran Gran says: Says:

    Hi El,

    How lucky are all the endangered animals to have someone as smart and passionate as you are about what can happen to them. I look forward to reading the things you share on this blog. I’m so proud of you and I love who you are!

  4. Barney Noodle Says:

    Hi Ella:

    I love that you are supporting such a wonderful cause and especially at your age. I bet animals are always happy to see you! You know animals can sense a good person and you are a very special young lady. Give Brady a hug for me and keep up the good work. Someday I will be reading about you in the paper and how you managed to save all the endangered wildlife.

  5. Barb Says:

    Wow, Ella! You have created such a beautiful website. I’m so proud that you care about the animals and endangered wildlife that share the earth with us. How wonderful that creatures and critters have someone like you they can count on to help them be healthy and survive. I am looking forward to learning more from you on this website. Keep up your good work!

  6. Bob Says:

    It’s me again. Would you please write a short blog post on the endangered animal you are most concerned about. Your information would be very helpful.

  7. Ross Says:

    Hi Ella,
    You are the perfect person to be speaking up for endangered species. You’ve always had such a love and concern for all animals and have shown such kindness and care for all your pets including Bailey. You make me so proud and I’m very much looking forward to learning more about these wonderful animals and what I can do to help them, too. You are someone very special!

  8. Madison Maynard Says:

    Hi I like your video! See you at school

  9. Dale Says:

    I really like your video and website

  10. Ella Recknagel Says:

    Thank you for leaving comments on my blog!

  11. Ms. Shirley Says:

    Ella, I am so incredibly proud of you for doing this. Raising awareness for the animals that can’t speak for themselves is wonderful. I’m so happy that I know you Ella! I love you!

  12. Ms. Cordeiro Says:

    Hi Ella,
    What an awesome website!!! I can’t wait to learn more about all these animals that you write about.

  13. Ali Cat Says:

    Hi Ella! I have read your blogs up to this point, and I am so impressed! You truly are a special girl! I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future! Love you and keep up the good work! Ali Cat

  14. Susan Brown Says:

    What an incredible blog that you have created. I loved reading all of the information that you have researched. You love for animals shows. I am looking forward reading more of your blogs in the future. I am sorry that this cannot be viewed at school. You have done an awesome job!
    Mrs. Brown

  15. Ella Recknagel Says:

    Thank you so much I work very hard. It is also fun to do research and learn about the endangered animals there are out there. Which animal do you like the best? Ellie

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