posted by Ella Recknagel on Jan 19

As I was saying in the title the little yellow-legged frog needs our help! All the way in Sierra Nevada California!!! I will start with some easy facts about the frog. Once the frog was the most abundant amphibian in Sierra Nevada Mountains and Southern California. Here is a very interesting fact. At one time there were so many frogs that people had to watch were they stepped. The yellow-legged frogs have disappeared from over 93 percent of their original mountain home. The California Department of Fish and Game introduced trout into the frogs habitat. These trout didn’t belong there so the trout ate the tadpoles of the yellow-legged frog. This caused them to be endangered. Those are some interesting facts. I really don’t want these amazing creatures to go extinct someday.

Another endangered amphibian is the California Tiger Salamander.

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