posted by Ella Recknagel on Aug 11

There is this amazing animal called the Saola. Most of you don’t know anything about it but I do and I want to save it. The Saola was discovered May of 1992 of the 20th century. It has two paralall horns on its head that can reach 20 inches in length. The horns are found on bolth male and feamale of the saola. You know how you have cousins the saola has a cousin too cattle! There found in the annamite mountians of vitnam and laos.Unfortunately   there are only  a few hundred left in there reigon but we can save it if we try hard. And there not just endangered but criticly endangered and that is not good. Whats hard is that some people put down snares and they get caugte in them. and habitat loss there losing there habitat too. so if we don’t act soon they could go ectstinct.

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