Archive for the ‘Big Cats’ Category

posted by Ella Recknagel on Nov 17

Hi! I am here to tell you about the Siberian Tiger! I think they are the prettiest animals in the world! Tigers are the largest cat in the world. They live in Russia and some live in North Korea. There are about 400 to 500 Siberian Tigers left. Their numbers are stable. They are categorized as mammals, they are carnivores, and they can weigh up to 660 pounds. The tigers are known for their power and strength. Their species increased over about 100 years. People hunt them for their body parts and use them for medicine.  Siberian tigers eat elk (moose) and wild boar. Female Siberian Tigers have 2 to 6 cubs at a time. The cubs cannot hunt until they are about 18 months old. Thanks for learning about Siberian tigers with me! I hope that you will try to save Siberian Tigers like me!

posted by Ella Recknagel on Jul 18

These persian leopards in france and spain  are endangered. They have white fur with black spots and the cutest little faces. They were born in 2009 on May first. Their names are Chapu and Darius. They are the largest species of all of the leopards. They can reach 130 lbs and are 7 feet long from head to tail. They live in forests,grasslands,and mountains. They hunt deer,gazelle,goats,and wild boars. Even though they have the cutest faces these leopards are seriously dangerous. I hope you help me save these wonderful cats!