Archive for the ‘Dolphins’ Category

posted by Ella Recknagel on Aug 11

Hi! Today I am here to tell you about the Vaquita. Funny name I know! The Vaquita is a porpoise. It is actually the smallest porpoise in the world. It is only 5 feet long and only weighs about 120 pounds. They were only discovered in 1958 because they are so rare. They live in the upper part of Mexico’s gulf of California. They are very shy and scatter if a boat approaches. There are only about 200 of them left in the world. The Vaquita is endangered because of fishing nets. They also have to worry about sharks but their main concern is fishing nets. They get caught in the nets and die because they can’t get to the surface for air so they basically drown. So will you help me save the Vaquita?

posted by Ella Recknagel on Mar 25

Juvenile Atlantic Bottlenose dolphin, Winter, was found laying in the sand tangled in a blue crab trap in Mosquito Lagoon. She was born September 2005. She was found near Cape Canaveral, Florida. In 2006 winter got a bionic tail. This little dolphin survived because she was a tough little dolphin and she was also very brave. This dolphin has a very unusual story. She had a lot of love and care to get her back on her feet. Her doctors and care takers loved her so much. They did all they could do to take care of that poor dolphin. Now she is happy and healthy, living at the Clearwater Marine Center in Florida. I hope that fisherman would stop leaving their crab traps in the water so long. And I hope people like you would help these poor animals by not throwing bottles and cans into the water.

posted by Ella Recknagel on Jun 3

pink river dolphin

I really like pink river dolphins because they are harmless to humans and they are pink. They live in the Amazon River of Brazil. Isn’t pink a weird color of a dolphin?

Well they are pink because capillaries  are close to the top of their skin. Sometimes they can be pale blue or albino (also known as white). There are 5 species of fresh water dolphins. Pink river dolphins are the largest species of river dolphins. They can grow to be 9 feet long and can weigh up to 300 pounds. They can also live to be 30 years old.

The Amazon keeps getting more polluted over the years. This is why they are heading towards extinction.

Their eyes are small and they don’t rely on eye sight to live. They use echolocation to fend for themselves. They have a large bump on there head. The bump on their head is not a brain it is a lens used for echolocation. They are incredible swimmers because they have a very flexible backbone. They can also preform 180 degrees head turns. Calves may be born in the middle of July or September.

What a cool animal. There are a lot of animals that are endangered because of pollutions. Maybe you could help them by not polluting the water.

posted by Ella Recknagel on Nov 15

Hi!! I am a dolphin conservationist. I have loved dolphins my whole entire life.  Dolphins might go extinct someday. So could you  try to help me save dolphins? Did you know that orcas can live to be 80 or 70 years old?  Most dolphins are very very  friendly or like to play a lot.